Based on a large amount of indicators the attractivity has been calculated for each of these stocks. The following stocks are very attractive and are expected to give a large RoI.
FOX GS JPM MS TSN FN EAT BANF CALM CVCO CDOR EFSC ESEA THFF FRME GGAL GNTY HTBI IBCP LAUR MBWM PLAB SKYW SSB UNTY ATGE DECK VNCE BRC CLS DOOR DRD FHN GSL HMN KT MWA NAV NFG NGD ORI PAA SRT SUN UTI OPBK BFST BBCP SPFI BBARThe attractiveness has been calculated for the stocks in the list. As a rule of thumb, it can be seen as an estimation for the future performance of the stock, when P α > 0.5 the share may outperform the market in the near future, however when P α < 0.5 it's performance may be worse than the market.